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WordPlay Cincy: W
here stories write the future
WordPlay was founded in 2012 to give young people a safe, inclusive and inspiring place to come together, uncover and share personal narratives, and determine how their creativity and voices contribute to a more just and equitable community.
WordPlay is a grassroots-founded nonprofit organization committed to activating the strengths of children and teens in a safe, inclusive and inspiring place. We infuse arts-in-healing practices in our writing, arts-infused storytelling and performance programs where young people learn in community, uncover personal narratives and have their voices be heard and valued.
Through multi-disciplinary workshops, integrated arts programs in schools and partnerships with community organizations, we provide a platform for self-determination through story, where young people claim power over who they are, what they are capable of, and how they want to show up in their communities.
Together We Cross
featuring Noble the Poet, Asylum & Laurent Che
This video is about making connections and building bridges. About connecting to each other. It’s about community; physical, emotional and spiritual. We are excited to introduce to the first project between WordPlay Cincy and RESLV. RESLV had a unique opportunity to film on the Brent Spence Bridge and invited WordPlay graduates Noble the Poet and Asylum, along with WordPlay Teaching Artist and poet Laurent Che to come together to make the music and the lyrics to build the video that became, “Together We Cross.”
A Longing for Belonging
A beautiful poem delivered by one of our WordPlay students...

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”
— Maya Angelou

Urban Legend Typewriters is WordPlay's social enterprise.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
1556 Chase Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45223